Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Random Thoughts by Suzanne - Wednesday Hodgepodge

Please click on the button above to join Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge fun!

1. Share something you loved about your Christmas day.

I loved having absolutely no reason to have to leave the house. We didn't have any jobs to do, the stores were closed (at least the ones that usually suck us in at least once a day!) and it was just a fine day of relaxing with nowhere to have to be...



  1. I'm stopping by from Wed Hodgepodge. I thought you had wonderful answers to the questions. It's nice you got to relax on Christmas day!

  2. Hi Tami, thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate that very much. I love the Wednesday Hodgepodge and the other memes that I participate in.

    I hope that you had a happy Christmas and New Year's Day, too.

    Thanks again and have a great day!
